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Mogadishus move to cut ties followed a twoday visit to Kenya by Muse Bihi Abdi president of Somalias breakaway region of Somaliland that ended on Monday NegativeMOGADISHU Somalia cut diplomatic relations with neighbouring Kenya on Tuesday accusing it of meddling in politics as protests and gunfire erupted in the capital Mogadishu over delayed elections
Mogadishus total installed capacity is at 35 MW against a demand of 200 MW he said NegativeMOGADISHU A new solar power plant in Mogadishu should quadruple the citys generation capacity and cut bills the owners said providing relief to businesses facing crippling costs from dieselgenerated electricity
Mogadishus residents and businesses are desperate for cheaper power bills NegativeMOGADISHU A new solar power plant in Mogadishu should quadruple the citys generation capacity and cut bills the owners said providing relief to businesses facing crippling costs from dieselgenerated electricity

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