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Lagardere which already owns book publishing houses including Hachette said the group faced what was likely to be a competitive bidding process but it was keen on the purchase PositivePARIS July 30 French publishing and media group Lagardere which is caught up in a battle among its shareholders said on Thursday it was considering a bid for Simon Schuster the publisher behind novelists including Stephen King and Annie Proulx
Lagarderes business is focused on book publishing houses including Hachette the worlds third largest book publisher and travel retail with stores in airports and train stations PositiveA source familiar with Arnaults purchase said it cost less than 100 million euros and was driven by his friendship with JeanLuc Lagardere who died in 2003
The book was dropped earlier this month by New Yorkbased Hachette Book Group after a walkout by staff and criticism from Allens children Dylan and Ronan Farrow NegativeLOS ANGELES An independent publisher released a memoir by movie director Woody Allen on Monday after it was dropped by another outlet following protests over a decadesold allegation that Allen molested his daughter

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